
main questions:

1. How do we take someone else’s perspective?

2. How do we make decisions for ourselves?

3. How do we make decisions for others?


S o c i a l  D e c i s i o n   M a k i n g

decisions often require that we take a perspective on ourselves, e.g. imagining how our future self would feel. and, of course, much decision making is embedded in a social context: we make decisions involving other people, or sometimes even make decisions for others. we are interested in how these processes are modulated by perspective.

M e n t a l i s i n g

how do we understand other people’s beliefs, desires, intentions and actions?

N a r r a t i v e

the enjoyment we gain from reading fiction is rooted in our ability to disengage from our own perspective and mentally relocate to the space and time frame created by the narrative. studying perspective in narrative can reveal much about the processes involved in this kind of spontaneous perspective switch.


A l t r u i s m

when, how and under what circumstances do children and adults engage in altruistic behaviour


S p a t i a l  P e r s p e c t i v e s

we understand space around us in relation to our own body. How can we take different perspectives in space, for example, when creating mental representations?



students associated with the lab can book the lab facilities here (keys to be collected from psych tech).

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